
Express course for Chef

What a strong production manager should know and be able to do

All the materials for a successful chef are in one package. No need to run anywhere else, just sit down and listen. The rules of space management, how a kitchen should work from morning to night. Economic metrics systems for the chef. His KPI’s. All about sanitation and hygiene. The rules of working with production staff such that people become satisfied.

The course consists of 6 topics. You can purchase each topic separately or buy the entire course.

The basics of kitchen management. Part 1. Here about how to create a strong taste, and about the rules of tasting. Material about economic indicators and about managing employees in a kitchen.

The basics of kitchen management. Part 2. Rules for creating a menu concept. Some more economic guidelines for the chef. A training system for kitchen staff

Basics of kitchen management.Part 3. Rules for organizing the chef’s work process. How to work with the backlog. About ergonomics and organizing order in the kitchen

  1. Sanitation and order management. All about the basics of sanitation and how to put sanitation standards in the kitchen without stress.
  2. Cost Management. Specific rules for cost management, optimization and control. 6.
  3. The rules of the organization of procurement of the restaurant. All about what is an effective restaurant supply chain

Section on Cooking:

About taste and tasting dishes.
About current trends in cooking.
Classification and features of cooking hot and cold sauces.
Technology for cooking dishes:
Salads and cold appetizers.
Broths and soups, classification and features of cooking.
Cheese and egg dishes.
Cooking dishes from vegetables and beans.
Cooking dishes from macaroni and cereals.
Unleavened types of dough for cooking, frying and baking.
Yeast dough and products from them.
Desserts – peculiarities of cooking popular European desserts.
Meat, fish and poultry dishes.