
Italian cuisine

The course consists of 2 or 4 meetings (45 minutes each) and is available to chefs with any knowledge of Italian, including beginners from scratch.

During the class, which is a hands-on activity, chefs will be guided by a chef to prepare a complete meal consisting of traditional Italian dishes.

With a respect for Italian culinary tradition, with simplicity of preparation and only natural products, the cooking process will be another enjoyable opportunity to practice Italian conversation, make new friends and have a great time.

At the beginning of each lesson, the chef will present the menu for the day and distribute the work among the course participants. As you cook, he helps, explains, advises and reveals little secrets.

The joint work ends with the chefs setting the table and tasting the results of their work together. Each student (or group of students) will present the actual meal they have prepared to the others.

The course is designed so that students can experiment with cooking in the Italian style. As a gift, participants will receive a book of recipes with a dictionary in different languages: when they return home, they will be able to cook traditional Italian dishes for their family and friends!